Friday, December 13, 2013

Praise White Jesus

      Have you ever had one of those moments you just wish that you could go back and make un-happen? Well, I am hoping that Megyn Kelly has. The moment my girl Meg said that Jesus and Santa Claus were white, is one I hope she wished she had a do-over for. When she spoke about Aisha Harris' "Santa Claus Should Not Be A White Man Anymore", she also spoke to "kids at home" and told them that "Santa just IS white" and that "Jesus was a white man too". Well, first of all, I don't remember any account of anyone named Megyn being present when Jesus was born or anywhere in the Bible. So, the account Megyn gives is not one that, as she suggests, is fact. It it more along the lines of what she was either raised to believe or an idea she later decided to formulate on her own. What is fact is that SOMEBODY had to make all of this up because this same person said that there was never any reference in the Bible to what Jesus actually looked like. In the versions of the Bible I have read, in Revelation 2:18, Thyatira makes reference to a Son of God "whose eyes are like blazing fire and whose feet are like burnished bronze". In Daniel 10:6, it says "His body was like topaz, his face like lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze..". In Ezekiel 40:3, it states "He took me there, and I saw a man whose appearance was like bronze..". Ezekiel 1:7 says "He took me there, and I saw a man whose appearance was like bronze.." I could go on. But instead, I would rather break down what I have said already. For those who do not know what the word "burnished" means, it means "polished". But let's talk about the word "bronze". Even those who are not skilled in metals know that bronze refers to a metallic brownish color. Brownish is usually a characteristic ascribed to people of color. "Brownish", in any of its forms, is not usually used to describe those of Aryan descent. There is another word in there that is not usually used to describe white men. Topaz is a gem that has many color variations. Amongst them are wine, pale green, yellow, and golden brown. Unless those space theorist are correct when they say that Jesus was an alien, I think we could all agree that the golden brown is the most likely choice for the appearance of Christ's skin. Just as i will give it to them that the reference to Christ's hair resembling wool in Revelations 1:14 refers more to the color than the texture, I will give it to those who do say that Jesus was a white man that topaz can also be translucent. But when someone is white, you usually do not refer to them as "crystal clear" or "giving no color", which is what translucent means. So, Ms. Megyn Kelly, to bow out and say that there was no reference to what He looked like may work amongst us bronze people who do not think, read or research. But not in the educated circles.
      Megyn also said that just because the image if a white Jesus or Santa Claus makes you uncomfortable, that doesn't mean you should just change it. Well, I could have danced a jig when I read on today that Santa Claus was in fact Greek until Currier & Ives got a hold of him. This is something I have been telling people for years and I was beginning to think I was the only person besides Currier & Ives who ever knew. Saint Nicholas or "Noel Baba/Father Christmas" was  a Turk who gave gifts to the poor in the 14th century. (He also destroyed pagan temples, which makes me wonder what is up with us putting up pagan trees. But I digress.) It is, or at least should be, no secret to anyone that "Turkish" is NOT another word for "white". So, if you REALLY want to be technical about it, Turkish people originated in Central Asia from the Ural-Altaic region. Later, the country of Turkey expanded to include those of Greek, Arab, Persian, Bulgarian and Armenian cultures among many others. Again, these are all classified as "people of color". Perhaps the fact that the image of the original Saint Nicholas made Currier & Ives uncomfortable was the reason they made the change to the rosy-cheeked, pale skinned Santa Claus you see before you today. So, Megyn what you know as the image of Santa Claus very well may be the direct result of someone's discomfort. So, do you still stand by your idea of not changing things that have been around for years just because they make you uncomfortable?
        I had a discussion with the co-author of my book who happens to be Irish and Black about the fact that even Hollywood doesn't believe in White Jesus. Each time someone is cast in the role of Jesus, he is not blonde with blue eyes, nor is he pale in complexion. He has dark hair, dark eyes and very tanned skin. He is of ambiguous race and simply widely accepted as "Jesus". Yet,in churches and artwork, we see a blonde, blue-eyed Kenny Loggins double that we are supposed to recognize as our Lord. I won't even get into the mystery that surrounds where exactly Jesus was born or exactly when he was born. I won't even go as far as to simply say "Jesus was a Black man". What I will say is that all signs and all accounts in history that I have seen point to Jesus being a man of color and of Saint Nicholas, not the Germanic Santa Claus, being the same. But if you are one of those people who want to agree with Megyn Kelly and talk to "kids at home" about the pure whiteness of them both, I say "Praise White Jesus for Fox News". They will always tell you the truth you choose to hear.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Karma's a bitch.
And I think She digs both sexes.
I wake up with Her lessons,
But She screws all of my exes.
I'm tangled in the sheets with Her.
She promises we'll be together.
But She goes back to my old men
And promises them forever.
 I give Her my heart.
But She's all over their manhood.
She tells me
She'll fuck them
But never the way I could.
She feels their heads with visions
Of being deep inside me.
But She lies down in my bed, bites
Her lip and says, "Just ride me".
She covers me with kisses.
She bathes them with Her sweat.
She takes all of their happiness.
She steals their self-respect.
She holds them through each stroke.
Comforts them through each spasm.
But I'm the one she cuddles with
And gives the sweet orgasms.
With me She has been gentle.
She's rough with them instead.
And I'm the lucky one who wakes
Up with this hot bitch in my bed.